Faculty Openings - School of Arts & Sciences

Faculty Searches in AY 2024-2025

The School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University is committed to excellence in scholarship and teaching, and to building a faculty that draws strength from its diversity. To that end, we conduct thorough and systematic searches for all new faculty positions, both full-time and part-time.

Full-time Faculty Positions

(PF) = Position filled
(SC) = Search closed

(updated September 6, 2024)

Please check back as more 24-25 Faculty Positions will be posted soon.

Chemistry Chemistry Human HealthAssociate Professor (tenured)/Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
English20th and 21st-Century Global Anglophone Poetry and PoeticsAssistant Professor (tenure-track)

Part-time Faculty Positions

(Updated: September 6, 2024)

HistoryAfrican HistoryPart-time Lecturer 

Resources for Conducting a Faculty Search

Review the items below for procedures for conducting faculty searches (both full-time and part-time), important tips for doing outreach to build diverse applicant pools, administrative and financial guidelines, and the required forms.