Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

Standing Bylaw Committee of the School of Arts, Sciences and Engineering

MEMBERSHIP: 2024-2025

Term: Five (5) years

Name and Link to
Directory Listing
Rank, DepartmentTerm
(On leave)
Brown, DrusillaAssociate Professor, Economics2020-2025
Dunn, KevinAssociate Professor, English2024-2025
Foster, ElizabethProfessor, History(2022-2027)
Hollander, JustinProfessor, Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning2024-2025
Lu, CathyProfessor of the Practice, SMFA(2023-2028)
Saigal, AnilProfessor, Mechanical Engineering2023-2028
Staii, Cristian *Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy2021-2026
Turvey, MalcolmProfessor, History of Art and Architecture 2023-2028
Warikoo, NatashaProfessor, Sociology2024-2025
Bakre, ShefaliUndergraduate student representative, TCU Senate2024-2025
Ivarsson, GunnarUndergraduate student representative, TCU Senate2024-2025
Olgun, DefneUndergraduate student representative, TCU Senate2024-2025
Duck, JT +Dean, Undergraduate Admissions and Enrollment Management 
Lowe, Carmen +Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Academic Advising 
Hardy Smith, Meaghan +Associate Dean of Financial Aid 
Butler, Christina +Director, Institutional Research 
TBD +Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Students or Designee 

* Chair
+ ex-officio/voting

The Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee (UAFAC) reviews university policy on all issues related to undergraduate admissions (including standards, recruitment, and enrollment management) and financial aid; and offers advice and counsel to the administrators responsible for carrying out those policies.

Visit Arts, Sciences and Engineering Bylaws for more information regarding this committee's bylaws.

View this committee's most recent annual report.

View this committee's workload obligations.