Library Committee

Standing Bylaw Committee of the School of Arts, Sciences and Engineering

MEMBERSHIP: 2024-2025

Term: Five (5) years

Name and Link to
Directory Listing
Rank, DepartmentTerm
(On leave)
Ando, MegumiAssistant Professor, Computer Science2024-2029
Han, SimonProfessor of the Practice, English2022-2027
Heim, NoelLecturer, Earth and Climate Sciences2023-2025
Latour, Melinda*Associate Professor, Music(2021-2026)
McNeil, MaryAssistant Professor, Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora2024-2025
McNinch, GeorgeProfessor, Mathematics(2023-2028)
Reed, J. MichaelProfessor, Biology2020-2025
Setren, ElizabethAssistant Professor, Economics2024-2025
Sullivan, AliceAssistant Professor, History of Art and Architecture(2022-2027)
Chen, MengtingGraduate student representative2024-2025
Talla, ErasteUndergraduate student representative, TCU Senate2024-2025
Tian, MelindaUndergraduate student representative, TCU Senate2024-2025
Meaney, Dorothy+Director, Tisch Library 
Schattle, Erica+Associate Director, Tisch Library 

* Chair
+ ex-officio/non-voting

The function of the Library Committee is to advise the director of Tisch Library on library policies, budget, collections, and services. It also assists in the dissemination of information about the library to constituent groups. Committee members become familiar with the operational activities of the library.

Visit Arts, Sciences and Engineering Bylaws for more information regarding this committee's bylaws.

View this committee’s most recent annual report.

View this committee's workload obligations.